Photo Stick Omni Review: Real Truth About ThePhotoStick Omni! (2024)

By David Thompson

Photo Stick Omni Review: Real Truth About ThePhotoStick Omni! (1)

Pictures and videos from our major development milestones and occasions are priceless. We quickly get over our favorite days but what remains is the pictures and videos we could take and store from that day. Photos serve as a way to remember and honor our loved ones and family, especially if they are late.

There are so many ways to store our favorite pictures; we can choose to print them in a hard copy form or send it to a cloud store. These are good but with a demerit. Hard copy pictures can be damaged by water spillage, flooding, and even small fire outbreak. Images stored in the cloud require monthly or periodic subscription renewal in most platforms. This means that you lose access if you're unable to continue with your subscription.

What if you knew that there's a device that can store your softcopy pictures just the way they were captured? What if you knew you could back up all the pictures on your devices in minutes? What if you knew you could store all your files without having to pay a dime as a renewal fee? What if you knew you no longer have to select and back up your photos and videos manually? If you're interested in the answers to the above questions, then you're on the right track, as this article would do justice to that.

In this Photo Stick Omni Review article, I will be talking about a portable USB device that can automatically scan, retrieve and store your pictures, videos, and other files with just a click-The PhotoStick OMNI.

This device is durable and efficient. You need not about losing all your pictures due to theft or misplacement of your computer or phone. Hard disks can crash if roughly handled, so why not back up your videos and photos in a safe device. Once you have successfully purchased the PhotoStick Omni, you don't have to pay any extras to maintain it.

I researched this product. In this Photo Stick Omni Review article, I will be highlighting the different benefits, advantages, demerits, Frequently asked questions, and testimonials of this product in detail. I hope this article will provide all the information and answers to your various questions on this product. You will be able to say for yourself whether or not this product is worth the hype. The process of making a purchase can also be found in the body of this piece. Let's get started!

What Is The Photo Stick OMNI?

The Photo Stick OMNI is a portable storage device that can be used with any USB-compatible device. It contains a program that scans, retrieves, and stores all your photos and videos included in a device. It is straightforward to use, and all you need to do is plug your newly purchased device into your device and have it back up your files with just a click.

It works by automatically scanning through your files then retrieving and storing all your images or videos. You do not need to do it manually like other devices in this category. It also keeps your files so that it would be easy to find them when you need them.

This device is compatible with a wide range of devices; it can be used on computers, tablets, and Smartphones. ThePhotoStick OMNI does not require third-party software to work. It also does not need extra accessories to have it connected to your computer so long as you have an available USB port.

ThePhotoStick Omni is strong and will not spoil after a minor impact. It was produced with durable components that outlast its competition.

The PhotoStick OMNI is affordable and unique; no periodic or monthly subscription is required for you to use this device. The PhotoStick Omni is built to last with amazing discounts and guarantees. It's packed with so many benefits, and in addition to all these, manufacturers are offering you our 60-day money-back guarantee. Just in case you're not happy with your purchase. You can return your new package within 60 days for a full refund.

The process of purchasing the PhotoStick Omni is very secure and hassle-free; You can place your order from any location via the company's official website. Once you place your order and get a confirmation email with your billing details, your package will be sent to your location as soon as possible.

<Click Here Now To Get Your Own Photo Stick Omni Directly From The Official Website>

Benefits of ThePhotoStick Omni

The PhotoStick Omni has many features. It's worth the attention it's getting in the online space. It's affordable and saves you the money spent on monthly or yearly backup service subscriptions.

Durable and efficient: The PhotoStick OMNI is built to last and of high quality. The manufacturers even included a 60 days money-back guarantee as part of their purchase package.

Easy to use: To use this device, you need to plug it into your computer then let it scan, retrieve and store your videos, photos, and other files.

Can be used by everyone: This device can be used by both the young and the old population. You can gift it to your parents and not-so-savvy family and friends. The PhotoStick Omni is easy to use, so they shouldn't have much difficulty using this device.

No monthly or Periodic subscription: Most devices of this kind or other backup applications require periodic or monthly service renewal. Failure to pay would typically amount to a denial of access to your files or the suspension of your backup service. The PhotoStick Omni doesn't require any service renewal. Buy this gadget today and say goodbye to spending on backup platforms.

Affordable: The PhotoStick OMNI is cheap and unique; no periodic or monthly subscription is required for you to use this device. This is unlike other storage devices that need you to renew your subscription or have your services stopped. The PhotoStick Omni also met the expectations of most buyers. This is evident as most reviews and testimonials online confessed that the PhotoStick Omni served them as they wished, and the product is worth the hype.

It takes no time at all: Most backup platforms and devices take time to upload your files, huge videos. This is not the case with the PhotoStick Omni; it can back up all your files in minutes.

Multi-Purpose and stores every kind of file: The PhotoStick OMNI is the perfect multi-purpose backup device. It can store huge files, both photos and videos. It can hold any type of file.

Self-sufficient and does not require the internet: Most backup platforms require that you connect to the internet then manually select and back up your files. Apart from the financial implications, as you spend more buying data each time you want to back up your files, it is not very useful to the old population. Not everyone has a good grasp of the internet and how it works, so why not go for the PhotoStick Omni with straightforward functionality.

The Perfect back up device for you - PhotoStick OMNI is durable and worth the hype. The manufacturers of the PhotoStick OMNI helps you store your favorite pictures, videos, and files with ease. You don't need to select or mark your files manually. This device scans through your computer (whether Mac or Windows), tablets, and phones and not only retrieve them but also stores them.

The manufacturers also made it affordable as there's no point producing an excellent device that most persons cannot afford. The different customer reviews on this product also support PhotoStick being the most durable gadget of its kind.

How To Use ThePhotoStick OMNI

This device is easy to use. Follow the steps below to use your newly purchased PhotoStick Omni. Depending on the device, the steps vary.

For Windows:

Step 1- Plug The PhotoStick OMNI into your device via an available USB port.

Step 2 - Open your files explorer and double-click on ThePhotoStick Windows.exe.

Step 3 - Click "Go"!

For Mac:

Step 1- Plug your PhotoStick Omni in any available USB port.

Step 2 -Double-click on the USB icon labeled as PhotoStick.

Step 3 - Double-click on ThePhotoStick Mac.

And finally, Click "Go"!

For Phones (Android or iOS):

Step 1 - Download and install the free "ThePhotoStick Mobile App

Step 2 - Plug in the PhotoStick OMNI

Step 3 - Then, click "Backup Now"

<Click Here Now To Get ThePhotoStick Omni Directly From The Official Website>

Pros And Cons of the Photo Stick Omni

Pros (Photo Stick Omni Review)

● Long-lasting, Durable and Efficient

● Made for both the young and old population as it's effortless to use

● It automatically scans and backup your files. The only thing you need to do is to plug it into your device

● It helps keep pictures of special memories safe and available for easy retrieval.

● Portable and sleek

● Very Affordable

● scan, sort, and backup all your photos and videos.

● Back up all your pictures and videos in minutes.

● Works on most computers, phones, and tablets. The PhotoStick Omni works on most gadgets; the instructions for use can be found in this article.

Cons (Photo Stick Omni Review)

● This product can only be ordered from the company's official website with a guarantee. It is important to buy from there to guarantee your purchase and to be qualified for the discounts and other offers available to customers.

● No shipping fees for orders coming from the US, while other areas might be required to pay a token as a shipping fee.

Where To Buy PhotoStick OMNI

The PhotoStick OMNI can be ordered from the manufacturers' official website. It is safer and more beneficial to both you and manufacturers. You get to buy from trusted suppliers while the company enjoys the privilege of knowing that you purchased the right thing. Multiple payment options can be used, including but not limited to PayPal, Debit cards, credit cards. Your payment data and information is always secured.

Once an order is placed, be rest assured that you will get your package as soon as possible; it will be delivered faster than you can imagine and can be delivered to most countries of the world. Just ensure to put the correct location while making your order to avoid misplacement in delivery.

60 DAY GUARANTEE: This product is very durable and built to last. It's packed with so many benefits, and in addition to all these, manufacturers are offering you our 60-day money-back guarantee. Just in case you're not happy with your purchase. You can return your new package within 60 days for a full refund.

PhotoStick Omni Price

The PhotoStick Omni is affordable. Intending buyers can use this product online via the company's website. The process of making its purchase is as stress-free as you can order from any location right from the comfort of your home. The prices and other juicy freebies are available upon purchase. The PhotoStick OMNI is available at the following prices

32GB PhotoStick OMNI sells for $59.99

64GB PhotoStick OMNI sells for $79.99

128GB PhotoStick OMNI sells for $99.99
256GB PhotoStick OMNI sells for $149.99

<Click Here Now To Get ThePhotoStick Omni Directly From The Official Website>

Testimonial Of ThePhotoStick OMNI

I was heartbroken when I lost my most precious photo of my father... until this simple little device gave it back.

Last year for Christmas, my kids bought me the most thoughtful present... which ALMOST ended up being the gift of nightmares.

After complaining, I kept old family photos "tucked away in shoeboxes," they had my precious memories converted into digital form... where they would, in theory, be kept for safekeeping.

It was great at first - I could finally share all my favorite memories from throughout the years! My son's first steps... the day my husband won the state bowling tournament... decades of memories were suddenly at my fingertips.

But then something terrible happened. I was looking for one of my favorite photos of my father... and I couldn't find it.

It was the last photo taken of him with his great-granddaughter Ashley before he passed away. In the picture, he's hugging Ashley with his gift from her (you can't see it, but it was a macaroni necklace that says "I love you, grandpa"). It's one of the last times I saw his smile...

We had no idea this would be their last Christmas together. I still have that macaroni necklace... but the photo - which is far more precious to me - was gone. I was heartbroken and felt helpless.

"Maybe it's in another folder," I thought to myself. So I started looking... and with each empty folder, my heart sunk further. I began to feel the tears build as my throat swelled up. "It can't be gone... can it?!"

I swear, I looked through every single folder on my phone and computer - three times. I even called the company who digitized my memories to ensure they hadn't forgotten it... but they confirmed that the file had been uploaded to my computer.

Slowly, the truth started to hit me: That precious memory of my father was lost forever... and I didn't even know what had happened.

Did I delete it by mistake? Move it somewhere else? "Corrupt the file" - whatever that means? I simply don't know enough about computers to say for sure.

Not only did I lose the photo, I felt like I was letting my father down. I would NEVER have risked that photo... because I know I'll never get to create another one. Yet there I was, completely lost and feeling helpless.

That's when I discovered the REST of my Christmas gift...

When I called my kids - in tears, might I add - and told them what happened, they laughed.

"Huh? What's so funny?" I asked.

"You didn't see ThePhotoStick OMNI we left you!? It has everything on it... I'm sure dad's photo is there," my daughter reassured me.

I didn't even know what ThePhotoStick OMNI was!! I thought the whole point of moving those photos to my computer was to keep those memories safe. I didn't know there were additional precautions I was supposed to take!

"It's in the top drawer," my son told me. "Just plug it in. They're all there!"

Sure enough, I plugged it into my computer..., and a few seconds later, ALL of my photos and videos were right there in front of me - including the one I had "lost forever."

It was amazing! They were even organized in some particular program, making them all easy to find.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief - then chuckled. But how did they do this?!

Well, I'll be darned... It turns out my kids are even more intelligent than I thought. They knew I might have an accident (we still don't know exactly what happened), so they backed all my files up beforehand - using this little device called ThePhotoStick OMNI.

Even better, they showed me how to use it, so I never have to worry about losing my photos OR videos again. Most importantly, it's straightforward to use - if you're like me and can't afford to lose your precious memories, then

Frequently Asked Questions (Photo Stick Omni Review)

It is normal to have questions about any product you wish to purchase. In this section, I have tried to answer some frequently asked questions on this device. If you have more questions that are not answered, feel free to reach out to the manufacturers of this device via their official website. The link to the company's website can be found at the end of this article.

Q: Where can I buy the PhotoStick OMNI?

The PhotoStick OMNI can be ordered from the manufacturers' official website. It is safer and more beneficial to both you and manufacturers. You get to buy from trusted suppliers while the company enjoys knowing that you purchased the right thing. Multiple payment options are available, including but not limited to PayPal, Debit cards, credit cards. Your payment data and information is always secured. Once an order is successfully placed, be rest assured that you will get your package as soon as possible; it will be delivered faster than you can imagine and can be delivered to most countries of the world. Just ensure to put the correct location while making your order to avoid misplacement in delivery.

Q.Which devices can I use The PhotoStick OMNI on?

The PhotoStick OMNI can be used with most devices. The only requirement is that the device needs to be USB compatible. Most modern PCs, smartphones, tablets, and computers meet this criterion. This product is compatible with Windows, Android, and Mac Ospowered devices.

The PhotoStick Omni supports the following devices


Windows 7 SP1 and newer

Apple: OS 10.13 and newer, iOS and iPad OS is 13.0 and later

Android: 6.0 and later

Q.What photo and video file types can The PhotoStick OMNI find and save?

PhotoStick OMNI supports most file formats(Photos,videos and other documents).It saves your standard JPEG, PNG, GIF, MOV, and MPEG4, but it also saves a vast array of file types as listed below:

JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jiff)

GIF (*.gif)

PNG (*.png)

BMP (*.bmp, *.rle, *.dib)

TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)

ICO (*.ico)

Camera Raw (*.tif, *.crw, *.nef, *.raf, *.orf, *.mrw, *.dcr, *.mos, *.raw, *.pef, *.srf, *.dng, *.x3f, *.cr2, *.erf, *.sr2, *.kdc, *.mfw, *.mef, *.arw, *.nrw, *.rw2, *.rwl, *.iiq, *.3fr, *.srw)

Photoshop (*.psd, *.pdd)

PCT File (*.PCT, *.PICT)

MOV (*.mov, *.qt)

MPEG4 (*.mpg4, *.mpeg4)

AVI (*.avi)

WMV (*.wmv)

Q.Is The PhotoStick OMNI easy to use?

To use this device, you simply need to plug it into your computer then let it scan, retrieve and store your videos, photos, and other files.

You can use the PhotoStick Omni right out of the box. Just follow the steps on this article depending on the device you wish to back your files from. This product works well regardless of the type of this in view solo long as it's compatible with USB.

What version should I choose?

This highly depends on how many photos and videos are stored on your device. The 128GB version can hold up to 60,000 photos, files, and videos of about 2 megabytes each. The 256GB version can store up to 120,000 pictures and videos. The manufacturers made available different versions and sizes to meet the needs of other persons.

Q: Is PhotoStick OMNI affordable?

The PhotoStick OMNI is affordable and unique; no periodic or monthly subscription is required to use this device. This is unlike other storage devices that need you to renew your subscription or have your services stopped. The PhotoStick Omni also met the expectations of most buyers. This is evident as most reviews and testimonials online confessed that the PhotoStick Omni served them as they wished, and the product is worth the hype.

Q: What is the PhotoStick Omni ?

The Photo Stick OMNI is a portable storage device that can be used with any USB-compatible device. It contains a program that scans, retrieves, and stores all your photos and videos included in a device. It is very simple to use, and all you need to do is plug your newly purchased device into your device and have it back up your files with just a click.

Q.How does the return policy of the PhotoStick OMNI work?

This product is very durable and built to last. It's packed with so many benefits, and in addition to all these, manufacturers are offering you our 60-day money-back guarantee. Just in case you're not happy with your purchase. You can return your new package within 60 days for a full refund. You can contact the manufacturers of the PhotoStick Omni via their official web page. The customer care team is real humans and would respond in the tone you would like.

Q.How do I use The PhotoStick OMNI?

The PhotoStick Omni is straightforward to use. The steps you're to follow are pretty simple irrespective of the device.

The steps are as follows:

For Windows:

Step 1- Plug The PhotoStick OMNI into your device via an available USB port.

Step 2 - Open your files explorer and double-click on ThePhotoStick Windows.exe.

Step 3 - Click "Go"!

For Mac:

Step 1- Plug your PhotoStick Omni in any available USB port.

Step 2 -Double-click on the USB icon labeled as PhotoStick.

Step 3 - Double-click on ThePhotoStick Mac.

And finally, Click "Go"!

For Phones (Android or iOS):

Step 1 - Download and install the free "ThePhotoStick Mobile App

Step 2 - Plug in the PhotoStick OMNI

Step 3 - Then, click "Backup Now"

Conclusion On Photo Stick Omni Review

The Photo Stick OMNI is a portable storage device that can be used with any USB-compatible device. It contains a program that scans, retrieves, and stores all your photos and videos included in a device. It is straightforward to use, and all you need to do is plug your newly purchased device into your device and have it back up your files with just a click.

It works by automatically scanning through your files then retrieving and storing all your images or videos. You do not need to do it manually like other devices in this category. It also keeps your files so that it would be easy to find them when you need them.

The process of purchasing the PhotoStick Omni is very secure and hassle-free; You can place your order from any location via the company's official website. Once you place your order and get a confirmation email with your billing details, your package will be sent to your location as soon as possible.

This device is packed with so many benefits, and in addition to all these, manufacturers are offering you our 60-day money-back guarantee. Just in case you're not happy with your purchase. You can return your new package within 60 days for a full refund. To get your own PhotoStick OMNI, click on the link below to be redirected to the manufacturers' official webpage.

<Click Here Now To Get Your Own Photo Stick Omni Directly From The Official Website>

ⓒ 2024 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.
* This is a contributed article and this content does not necessarily represent the views of

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Photo Stick Omni Review: Real Truth About ThePhotoStick Omni! (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6031

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.