Wavenet.pepperdine (2025)

1. WaveNet

  • WaveNet for Students – Guides

  • This page contains links to information and tutorials for the WaveNet portal.

2. Important Pepperdine Logins

  • Go to WaveNet. WaveNet is Pepperdine's portal for student, HR, and finance data. Learn about WaveNet. ... Go to MyID. Reset, set, and manage your Pepperdine ...

  • Find the most popular links to important Pepperdine IT tools and services.

3. How to Register via WaveNet | Pepperdine Community

  • Log in to WaveNet. Click on Student Services, then wish list. Pick the appropriate term and then search for classes. Each selected class will appear in your ...

  • Pepperdine University Seaver College Registration

4. Pepperdine - Academia.edu

5. Sign In Or Register - Graziadio Student Hub

  • Sign in. Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Accounts Use your Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Username and Password. Pepperdine Wavenet Login. Guest ...

  • The campus engagement platform for Pepperdine Graziadio Business School - Powered by CampusGroups.

6. Zoom - Pepperdine University | Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing ...

  • Pepperdine University's primary web conferencing platform, Zoom, will be available to all students, faculty, and staff.

7. Pepperdine Emergency Preparedness Brochure - Issuu

  • Aug 12, 2019 · The guide is available by logging into WaveNet at wavenet.pepperdine.edu, and provides further detail about the topics covered in this brochure.

  • Pepperdine has many resources available regarding emergency preparedness and wants to educate faculty, staff, and students on how to prepare for and respond to emergencies. This brochure provides a high-level overview of several specific situations and points to additional resources for further details. Learn more: emergency.pepperdine.edu/personal-preparedness

8. Pepperdine University Scholarships: All Opportunities

  • To apply, you must first sign in using your WaveNet credentials. You will then have the opportunity to complete a general application and, if applicable, apply ...

  • Welcome to the Scholarship Opportunities Homepage.

9. New Student Technology Guide - Pepperdine Community

  • This page will help new students find the Information Technology services they need to get started at Pepperdine University. Learn about WaveNet, printing on ...

  • IT information for Pepperdine University's new students.

10. Sign In - Graziadio Student Hub

  • Sign in. Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Accounts Use your Pepperdine Graziadio Business School Username and Password. Pepperdine Wavenet Login.

  • The campus engagement platform for Pepperdine Graziadio Business School - Powered by CampusGroups.

11. Handshake: Sign In

  • Sign up here. Pepperdine University logo. Pepperdine University. Login with your Pepperdine Wavenet ID. Pepperdine Alumni. You can also sign in with your email ...

  • Launch the next step in your career.

12. Opinion: Complimentary Benefits for Students Need Better Promotion

  • Apr 2, 2024 · ... Pepperdine Library. What's more, Wavenet credentials grant the community access to The Economist through Pepperdine Library with no ...

  • Insufficient promotion undermines the usage of student benefits. Perspectives Assistant Editor Laury Li argues the University can do better in spreading the information.

13. Student-to-Alumni Account Changes | Pepperdine Community

  • WaveNet · Courses · Email · Kronos · Printing · Mail Services · Housing · Maintenance ... As long as you remain employed with Pepperdine, you will retain access ...

  • Learn how access to Pepperdine services will change after students graduate.

Wavenet.pepperdine (2025)


What is the acceptance rate for Pepperdine EA? ›

Pepperdine University admissions has an acceptance rate of 49% and an early acceptance rate of 46.7%.

How hard is Pepperdine to get into? ›

Getting into Pepperdine University is moderately challenging, given its 48.7% acceptance rate. This means the school is selective, admitting nearly half of its applicants.

What is a passing grade at Pepperdine? ›

For undergraduates, “A” indicates outstanding achievement; “B,” superior; “C,” average or satisfactory; “D-,” the lowest passing grade; and “F,” failure. For graduate students, “A” indicates superior work, “B” indicates average or satisfactory, and “C-” is the lowest passing grade.

Are Pepperdine classes hard? ›

Pepperdine is an excellent institution, particularly well-known for its programs in business, psychology, and legal studies. Academically, it's quite rigorous, but it's also a place where you can cultivate relationships with professors because of the small class sizes.

What is the average GPA to get into Pepperdine? ›

Average GPA: 3.75

(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.75, Pepperdine requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need at least a mix of A's and B's, with more A's than B's.

What major is Pepperdine known for? ›

The most popular majors at Pepperdine University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Social Sciences; Psychology; Parks, Recreation, Leisure, Fitness, and Kinesiology; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies ...

Is it harder to get into UCLA or Pepperdine? ›

Which school is easier to get into? If you're looking at acceptance rate alone, then UCLA is more difficult to get into. However, each college is looking to fill its incoming class with a variety of students with different strengths, backgrounds, etc.

Why is Pepperdine ranked so high? ›

As the highest-ranked Protestant university in this year's rankings, Pepperdine also continued to demonstrate exceptional strength in other categories, including “Study Abroad,” “Best Colleges for Veterans,” and “Best Value Schools.” Pepperdine's peer reputation score also remains the highest it has ever been.

Is Pepperdine overpriced? ›

Pepperdine University's tuition is $66,742. Compared with the national average cost of tuition of $43,477, Pepperdine University is more expensive. These figures include both tuition and fees, also referred to as the sticker price.

How much is tuition at Pepperdine? ›

Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

The cost of attendance is the same for in- and out-of-state undergraduate students at Pepperdine. With Pepperdine tuition and fees of $63,142, plus room and board of $18,560, the cost is $85,202.

Does Pepperdine look at grades? ›

A primary aim of our holistic admission review process is to look for evidence of applicants' academic aptitude and readiness for Pepperdine through an assessment of recommendations, rigor of the curriculum, course choices, and grades.

Does Pepperdine take test scores? ›


Although we do not require test scores, you have the option to submit official test scores through the testing agency, self-reported test scores on your application, or self-reported test scores through your Pepperdine Application Portal.

How prestigious is Pepperdine? ›

Pepperdine University is ranked #76 out of 439 National Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What are the cons of Pepperdine? ›

Some of the downsides to Pepperdine are that convocation and religion classes are required. It's not as bad as it may seem as religion is never forced on students. Another downside is many students at Pepperdine go Greek but it is not as big of a deal here.

How white is Pepperdine? ›

Enrollment by Race & Ethnicity

The enrolled student population at Pepperdine University is 42.9% White, 19.9% Hispanic or Latino, 11.5% Asian, 8.46% Black or African American, 5.19% Two or More Races, 0.369% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.329% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.

Does EA increase acceptance rate? ›

Does early action or early decision increase your chances? In many cases, yes. Although most colleges are hesitant to admit it, students who apply during early action have a higher chance of being admitted.

Does Pepperdine offer EA? ›

Pepperdine offers both Early Action and Early Decision admission consideration for first-year students for the fall term. Early Action is nonbinding, meaning applicants are not required to enroll at Pepperdine if admitted. Early Decision is binding, so applicants are required to enroll at Pepperdine if admitted.

What is the EA acceptance rate for Notre Dame University? ›

University of Notre Dame admissions has an acceptance rate of 13% and an early acceptance rate of 20.7%.

Does USC EA increase chances? ›

USC began its Early Action program last year and they estimate 20-25 percent of admissions spots will be offered during this round. According to USC's site: Applying by the Early Action (EA) deadline enables you to plan for college earlier, should you be accepted during this round of application reviews.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.